Best Ayurvedic Medicine For Pcos Online | Ayushastra

Manage Polycystic Ovarian Disorder with Ayurvedic Medicines

PCOS affects nearly 1 in 5 females of reproductive age. The condition causes symptoms like weight gain, prolonged or irregular menstrual periods, infertility, and unwanted facial hair. These uncomfortable symptoms adversely impact the quality of life. With their holistic approach, Ayurvedic treatments target the underlying cause of the condition, restoring balance in the body. For example, Ayurvedic medicine for PCOS, such as the Shatavari supplement, balances hormones and improves women's reproductive health. Ayushastra offers a range of Ayurvedic healthcare supplements and formulations that addresses PCOS and imparts effective relief.

Causes of PCOS According to Ayurveda

PCOS develops when an imbalance in hormones impacts the growth of follicles during the ovarian cycle. In this disorder, ovaries enlarge and produce excessive androgen and estrogen. This hormonal imbalance disrupts the egg release from the ovaries. It then causes painful symptoms.
According to Ayurveda, PCOS is a Kapha disorder. It occurs due to the imbalance in the Pitta or fire dosha and Kapha or water dosha. This imbalance causes toxification of the tissues or dhatus and leads to the buildup of Ama or toxins in the female body.
Arthava dhatu is the tissue that controls reproduction in woman's body. It also transports Artavavaha srota (reproductive fluid). Excess Kapha obstructs the flow of this fluid. This suppresses the metabolism and causes PCOS.
Ayurvedic science views poor diet and lifestyle, excessive stress, and absence of physical exercise as the primary reasons for developing PCOS. Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS aims to detoxify the body and revitalize the reproductive system. It addresses the imbalance of dosha and boosts metabolism. Ayushastra's products function as natural therapies complementing conventional medical care for PCOS. Their formulations are 100% natural and made of the highest quality herbs.


Ayurvedic Medicines for PCOS by Ayushastra

This ancient system of medicine has shown remarkable results in treating hormonal disorders such as PCOS. Ayushastra provides effective herbal remedies for managing this condition, such as Triphala Guggul, Shatavari, and Gynoshastra. The supplements are in strict accordance with Ayurvedic principles. They are entirely vegetarian and free from preservatives. In most cases, these natural medicines and remedies do not lead to any side effects.


Our Shatavari healthcare product is an excellent Ayurvedic medicine for PCOS rich in bioflavonoids. The supplement also contains vitamin B and zinc. All of them promote women's health. Shatavari maintains hormonal balance and relieves menstrual cramps.

Triphala Guggul

Triphala Guggul is another potent part of the Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS, a blend of three powerful herbs. It stimulates menstrual flow, relieves pain, and has many antiseptic properties

Goals of Ayurvedic Treatment Approach for PCOS/PCOD

Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS is a comprehensive approach to managing the condition. It addresses the core cause of the disorder and restores balance. Before beginning treatment, it is necessary to consult an expert in this field. The primary aims of treating PCOS as per Ayurvedic protocols are:

  • ● Cleansing the body to eliminate toxins.
  • ● Enhancing the health of the female reproductive system.
  • ● Maintaining and promoting ideal hormonal balance.
  • ● Management of weight and rectifying insulin resistance.

Lifestyle Changes According to Ayurveda for PCOS

Ayurveda is a holistic healing system focusing on lifestyle, diet modifications, and natural therapies to treat PCOS. Some recommendations to manage the condition's symptoms according to it are as follows:

  • ● Keep yourself well hydrated: To stay hydrated, consume around 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily.
  • ● Engage in moderate exercises: PCOS causes unexpected weight gain and increased insulin levels. To manage weight, engage in moderate exercise, such as cycling and walking.
  • ● Do yoga and pranayama: When women with PCOS do yoga, it alleviates abdominal pain and minimizes anxiety. Pranayama, a breathing exercise, calms the mind.
  • ● Consume an Ayurveda-friendly diet: Women with PCOS should consume healthy food items suggested in Ayurveda. These include amla or Indian gooseberry and bitter gourd to regulate blood sugar. Include tulsi or basil and fenugreek leaves to balance the insulin levels. Grains like ragi should also be an essential part of your diet.

Manage PCOS and Restore Your Health with Ayushastra

Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS involves herbs and lifestyle modifications to restore hormonal balance. Ayushastra provides safe and natural herbal remedies and medicines to help women manage the painful symptoms associated with this disorder. Our products are strictly tested and are non-GMO certified. The high-quality products are affordable and function as an ideal complementary treatment for PCOS.


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Yes, The use of ayurvedic medicines is very effective for treatment PCOS. Ayurvedic treatment involves the use of herbs to maintain a balance of hormones and boosting both male and female fertility.

Yes. PCOS can be treated permanently naturally. One needs to strike a right balance between right foods and active lifestyle to help manage the symptoms. Moreover, Ayushastra can help you cure PCOS in the most natural manner.

Ayurveda suggests taking medicines for PCOS for a period of atleast 6 months. In some cases, where the symptoms are severe, the treatment may be suggested for 18 months.

It is extremely important to pay attention to your eating habits when you are on Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS. The intake of milk and milk products should be limited. The use of potatoes, rice, sugar, nuts and spices should be avoided. One should always eat fruits such as orange, apples, papaya, pears and pineapple.

PCOD patients must develop an active lifestyle throughout the course of the treatment. Patients must indulge in any form of exercise such as Yoga, walking, and light stretches to regulate their hormone levels. Smoking and drinking alcohol should also be avoided as it can escalate problems.