Abhyanga is a Sanskrit term meaning massage given either to the affected body part or the full body.

In today’s materialistic era, people are running behind wealth and not taking care of health. So to take care of health, Abhyanga or oil massage is one among the most crucial step of daily regime adopted for healing, relaxation and treating various diseases.  

Abhyanga is an oil massaging process in the same direction of hair follicles, which consists basically of the application of warm medicated oil to the skin. The type of oil used may vary according to the patient’s condition. Usually, the procedure is about 45 minutes to an hour, according to the indications. 


Abhyangam is indicated in the following conditions;

  • Abhyanga is beneficial for all age groups in all seasons except summer season.
  • Suppression of natural urges like urine, faeces, sweat, sleep
  • Conditions like scorpion bite, abdominal tumours or growths, epilepsy, accumulation of flatus, signs of excessive emesis etc.
  • Indicated for all for rejuvenation as a daily regimen step.


Abhyangam therapy is usually contraindicated in conditions like;

  • People who have been given therapeutic emesis/ purgation or enema panchakarma therapies.
  • Acute fever condition and indigestion as it causes the severity of the disease.  
  • Conditions related to overnutrition, as it will cause diminished digestive fire causing more compromised conditions. 
  • Persons suffering from aggravated Kapha dosha.


Abhyanga treatment is the best way to control imbalance vata dosha, whose predominant entity is skin, the sense of touch. When the body is compared with a pot, leather or axle of the cart, which when oiled regularly for a while become strong and efficient by oiling, similarly the body becomes strong and stable by anointing it with oil.

Abhyanga ought to be done every day since it serves to;

  • Retards  ageing
  • Relieves mental exhaustion, exertion and pacifies Vata
  • Good for sensory organ health
  • Promotes lymphatic drainage
  • Nourishes the body and prolong longevity 
  • Reduces stress & induce good sleep
  • Improves skin health, complexion and firmness
  • Reduces muscle stiffness and provides good physic
  • Improved elimination of the toxins & impurities from the body. 


The massage therapy with the medicated herbal combination of oils as per Prakriti or body constitution of the disease condition or simply sesame oil is done in seven different posture to be followed sequentially. Along with body massage or abhyanga, hot fomentation can be given before administering main panchakarma therapies like Vamana, virechana etc. or can be done as a special solo therapy for a limited period in many indicated conditions.



The Abhyanga ought to be done in the accompanying seven positions; 

  • Sitting Position with sites intended to be head, Ear, Face, neck   
  • Supine Position or ‘lay on back’ position on the front part of the body  
  • Left lateral  Position  
  • Dorsal or ‘lay on the abdomen’ position on the posterior part of the body.
  • Right lateral  Position
  • Supine Position or ‘lay on back’ position 
  • Sitting Position    


The abhyanga therapy involves following five general strokes as per traditional body massage;

  • Sweeping is applied from the navel out towards the distal areas of the body in brisk, straight strokes. Repeated around 25 times in one area as it warms and revitalizes the limbs.
  • Tapping is used to awakening the body, alert the nerve endings and increase circulation. Done with open palms and relaxed fingers, followed with kneading movement.
  • Kneading is done with gentle pressure on the calves, thighs etc.
  • Rubbing done with oil over palms in the clockwise direction with deep or light pressure, as per the condition.
  • Squeezing is done over the bony areas by lifting the area of muscle with a crossing torque-like motion.


Abhyanga guidelines to be taken care of;


  • Abhyanga should be done with lukewarm oil or medicated ghee.
  • It should be performed with gentle pressure and in the direction of hair growth.
  • Abhyanga should be done particularly on head, ear and feet daily.
  • For doing head massage, cold or lukewarm oil may be used as being the most delicate part of the body, the head should be protected from heat.
  • Abhyanga on the limbs should be done with warm oil or as per seasons like warm oil in cold weather and normal temperature oil in hot weather.



Ayurveda instructs that there are seven layers of tissue in the body. Each is progressively more thought and nurturing. It is instructed that for the impacts of Sneha to reach to the most profound layer, it ought to be rubbed into the body for 800 matras, around five minutes. On the off chance that we consider that the whole body needs this sort of consideration, a 15-minute back rub is a base measure of time.

Ayurveda says, massaging oil bestows a tone and power to the body tissues if performed daily or if not daily, at least applying oil to the head, ears and foot are must lead a healthy life. The body is compared to the tree. If the root of the tree is given water regularly,  then it lives for a  long time. Essentially, our body needs Abhyanga day by day to carry on with a sound life.