SCIENTIFIC NAME: Aegle marmelos


HINDI NAME: Bilwa, Bael


ENGLISH NAME: Bengal Quince


FAMILY: Rutaceae


Bilwa is one of the Dashamoola herbs (a Group of ten roots) &  is said to be a good source of vitamins. All components of the Bilwa tree (root, leaf, fruit, and seeds) can be used to treat a variety of ailments. Bilwa can be consumed as a fresh juice in the summer, as well as Bael tea, squash, murabba, and candy. In medicinal uses, it is utilised as a powder, capsule, or tablet. Unripe Bilwa fruit helps heal ailments caused by Vata and Kapha dosha imbalances. Because of its astringent, bitter, and pungent flavour, as well as its anti-inflammatory properties, it considerably aids digestion and other metabolic functions.


  • Effective in ulcerative colitis and chronic diarrhoea
  • Improves digestive functioning
  • Control cholesterol levels
  • Cardiotonic
  • Manages cough as it is an expectorant
  • Aids in cure of urticaria
  • Liver protective herb
  • Wound healing action


  • It is typically recommended to keep blood sugar levels in check while using Bael.
  • Large amounts of unripe bilwa might induce constipation.


  • Bilwa leaves are high in vitamin C and can help heal scurvy.
  • Bilwa leaf decoction with black pepper also aids in the treatment of constipation by loosening the faeces due to its laxative properties.
  • unripe Bilwa fruit pulp combined with sugar or honey has been shown to be particularly beneficial in the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery, and other gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Massage Bilwa leaf powder into the scalp with coconut oil to promote hair development.
  • Bilwa pulp may be used as a face pack to offer you younger-looking skin.
  • The consumption of Bilwa fruit during pregnancy aids in the reduction of vomiting.