SCIENTIFIC NAME: Acacia concinna


HINDI NAME: Shikakai




FAMILY: Fabaceae


Shikakai has amazing cooling properties and is hence useful in addressing hair and scalp concerns. Shikakai, because it is light and easy to digest, has the capacity to balance Vata dosha in the body and restore the tridoshic equilibrium of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. When the hard brown Shikakai fruits are digested, they have an innately bitter taste and a pungent flavour. 


  • Improves softness and shine of hair
  • Slows down premature greying
  • Heals wound
  • Restrains hair fall
  • Soothes the scalp
  • Relieves skin ailments
  • Aids in cure of jaundice, piles, fever
  • Has anti-helminthic action


  • Shikakai is safe to use and might cause skin allergies. Advised to have a skin patch test, if used for the first time.
  • No side effects have been reported, when used as suggested and within the proper amount.
  • Shikakai powder causes nausea, loose faeces, ulcers, and irritation of the stomach when consumed in high doses.


  • Make a paste with shikakai powder, and honey in 2 cups of water. Apply this paste twice a week and rinse with normal water, for healthy shiny hairs.
  • Boil shikakai pods in water for 15 minutes. After getting it cool, filter it and squeeze half a lemon in it. Wash your hair with this filtered water to get relief from hair lice.
  • Roast shikakai powder in a pan with neem leaves and turmeric. Make a paste of it and apply it over the wound for fast wound healing.
  • Apply a hair pack of shikakai powder with henna and amla powder, once or twice a month to slow down premature greying.
  • Consume a little quantity of Shikakai powder mixed with honey or jaggery diluted in warm water to cure stomach infections, jaundice, and oral health issues.