HINDI NAME: Dhatura, Dhuttura Kanaka 


ENGLISH NAME: Thorn apple


FAMILY: Solanaceae


The datura plant is itself a genus comprising 14-15 different species of plants, with the most common species being used as medicine being purple, white & black dhatura. Dhatura is an extremely poisonous plant when ingested raw, but is also a powerhouse of medicinal components if properly purified. Datura is astringent, sweet and bitter in taste with heavy digesting quality and hot potency. It basically helps to pacify Vata & Kapha dosha effectively. However, it might frequently aggravate the Pitta Dosha levels. The plant has a favourable influence on the different Dhatus due to its inherent characteristics and doshas.


  • Provides relief for asthma, persistent cough and pain disorders. 
  • Helps in killing intestinal worms
  • Relief from a toothache, stomach cramps
  • Improves mood
  • Anti-allergic
  • Anti-inflammatory 
  • Improves heart health
  • Boosts immune system
  • Sedative action
  • Improves sleep issues
  • Improves fertility
  • Augments skin and hair nourishment


  • Datura seeds are exceedingly harmful and poisonous when consumed raw. Only use in purified form and under professional supervision.
  • Pacemaker patients should avoid taking any datura-containing formulation.
  • Overdosage can result in hallucinations, nausea, headaches, stomach trouble, vomiting, an increase in heartbeat, and a rise in intraocular pressure.
  • The local application may result in an allergic response or rash across the affected area.
  • It can be exceedingly fatal in severe chronic situations, resulting in unconsciousness, coma, and even death.


  • The therapeutic dose of purified datura seed formulation is 501-00 mg, or as prescribed by the Ayurveda expert.
  • To obtain treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, make a juice from Datura, Castor, and Calotropis leaves and apply it to the inflamed and swollen joints.
  • Advised to take datura based formulation only under the expert guidance.