Ayurveda for fatty liver disease:

The liver is the most important organ of our body which helps with major
complex chemical processes in the body. Hence any issue with its working can
cause serious health aliments. Fatty liver disease, also known as hepatic
steatosis, is a condition in which excess fat accumulates in the liver cells. This is
completely curable if detected at earlier stage, however, it may deteriorate over
time if not taken proper care of.

Fatty liver disease occurs due to improper diet, alcoholism and indulgence of
such intoxicating substances. In this abnormal and over accumulation of fats in
liver cells causes inflammation inside the liver. This inflammation thus hinders
with the normal functioning of the liver cells to eliminate the toxins and fats
from the body. There are two types of fatty liver disease, alcoholic and non
alcoholic fatty liver. This disease is more prevalent among patients who are
obese and have diabetes, are at higher risk. The occurrence of fatty liver disease
has become a growing concern in India, with reports suggesting that non-
alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) affects anywhere between 9% to 32% of
the population. Alcoholic fatty liver disease is characterized by certain
symptoms, including but not limited to jaundice, fever, spider veins, and
abnormally high WBC count. . There are numerous treatments available to
reverse this disease but nothing can beat the effectiveness of Ayurveda.

? Ayurvedic view on Fatty Liver: Accumulation of fats in the liver cells and
obstruction because of inflammation is the condition associated with kapha
imbalance. Liver is the seat of pitta dosha, but because of abnormally raised
kapha it is suppressed. Hence, correcting the kapha dosha is the general line of

? Causes of Fatty Liver Disease: There are some general conditions with which
FLD is associated with

? Overweight or obesity: Being overweight or obese does not only means that
there is accumulation of fats in other body tissues. It also means that your
body’s fat-muscle ratio is out of proportion and putting more strain on your
bones than they can handle. As a result the body tendency to put the fats
elsewhere happens and thus changes to fatty liver disease.

? Poor diet: Overconsumption of trans fats, processed fats and packaged food
products results in FLDs.

? Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes: insulin resistance raises blood sugar,
but it also appears to promote fat accumulation in the liver. This may lead to
inflammation or scar tissue build-up in the liver.

? Metabolic syndrome: diseases like hypothyroid, hashimotos thyroiditis,
PCOS, rheumatic arthritis also has a contributing role in development of FLD.

? Alcohol consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption affects the ability of
liver to metabolise the fats.

? Rapid weight loss: Rapid weight loss can also cause the liver to become
overwhelmed and lead to the accumulation of fat.

? Certain medications: Certain medications, such as corticosteroids,
amiodarone, can cause an accumulation of fat in the liver.

? High Triglycerides Levels: High triglycerides circulating in the blood can lead
to fat accumulation in the liver. This is one of the significant factors for non-
alcoholic fatty liver disease

Symptoms of Fatty Liver

? At a very early stage the fatty liver does not show any signs and symptoms,
though as the disease progresses it may show up with following symptoms,
? Fatigue
? Bloating- feeling of fullness
? Abdominal pain
? Weight loss
? Nausea and vomiting
? Enlarged liver
? Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
? Dark urine
? Itching
? Odema over both lower limbs and abdomen.

If you see any of those symptoms or changes in your body, then you must see a
doctor or start your journey of Ayurveda.
There are a number of Ayurveda treatments and Ayurveda medicine available is
diverse and it completely depends upon the health conditions of the patient.
Managing your lifestyle along with the incorporation of certain ayurvedic herbs
helps in managing and reversing such condition of liver.
Lifestyle modification

Incorporate good fats and avoid trans fats.
As per ayurveda aggravation of kapha causes fatty liver, hence it is always
advisable to control the intake of fats. However, complete elimination of it also
leads to improper elimination of unwanted fats. Meaning, usage of good fats
such as cow ghee or medicated or herb infused ghee can also help in lowering
the fatty liver.

White Sugar

White sugar is considered as a white poison. It causes inflammation inside the
body and more toxic that fats. Jaggery is a better option to substitute white

Increase fiber in your diet
A boost in metabolism is achieved much with the help of fiber rich diet. Fiber
helps eliminate unwanted toxins in the intestine and helps ease bowel
movements. Ultimately helping in fatty liver.
Avoid Alcohol

Having said that alcoholic fatty liver disease is one of the type. Undoubtedly
over intake of alcohol can cause overload on to the liver sometimes it may also
happen that people who consume alcohol infrequently can also get this FLDs.
Ayurvedic Medicines and its Usages

Each person has a unique body constitution and responds differently to home
remedies. Home remedies may be as good as thoughts and prayers for some
people. And for that reason alone, Ayurvedic medicines exist.


? Triphala: Triphala is a combination of amla, haritaki and bibhitak fruit. This
trio is of great help in detoxifying the colon, is hepato-protective and is
antidiabetic and lowers cholesterol levels.

? Shankhapushpi:  It helps reduce fat accumulation in the liver and improve
liver function, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can help
protect the liver from damage.

? Guggulu:  It improves liver function, reduce oxidative stress and inflammation
in the liver, and improve metabolism.

? Bhringarajasava is formulated with natural ingredients possessing restorative
properties that help improve liver function. Bhringarajasava can help maintain a
healthy metabolism and manage the symptoms of fatty liver disease.

? Arogyavardhini vati: It is a blend of herbo-mineral formulation which
specifically acts on the improvement of liver function.

? Panchakarma therapy – certain ayurvedic detox procedures helps in
elimination of unwanted fats and toxins from our body. Vaman and/or Virechan
therapy is advisable in FLDs, according to the condition of the patient.
Note – Medicine recommendations are to be taken only after strict consultation
from ayurvedic expert doctor.