Allergies and reasons behind them 

Allergies can be very uncomfortable and disrupt daily living. Even if they are triggered by seasonal changes, allergic reactions in people might become worse due to certain meals, stress, pollution, and weather changes. According to Ayurveda, allergies might result from an imbalance of the three Doshas. When your Doshas are out of balance, allergic reactions worsen and your body becomes unable to rid itself of the poisons that have collected because of a compromised immune system. The allergy turns into a chronic ailment when this problem lasts for a long time.

The unique method of Ayurveda is the secret to achieving lifelong benefits and holistic relief from all ailments. Ayurvedic remedies specifically target the cause of the allergy rather than just treating the symptom. Ayurveda places a strong emphasis on increasing internal immunity by actions like eating a good food, adopting a positive lifestyle, in addition to taking powerful herbs and receiving rejuvenating Ayurvedic therapies.

The types of allergens that cause symptoms vary; some affect the skin and result in a variety of skin conditions, others may cause nasal congestion and other related respiratory problems, and some food allergies result in digestive problems that cause vomiting and bowel disorders. The Dosha has an impact on how some illnesses or disorders manifest in certain people.How a person absorbs the allergens determines the kind of bad reaction that person suffers. Ingestion of food allergens can result in food intolerance, enlarged airways, hives, and a number of gastrointestinal diseases. Inhaling allergens can cause respiratory and nasal allergies. 

Not everyone who comes into touch with an allergy reacts in the same way, and different people react differently to the same allergens for different reasons. For instance, while some people’s allergies are inherited, others may develop them suddenly due to an intolerance to a substance. According to ayurvedic practitioners, allergies can be brought on by an unbalanced Dosha, an accumulation of Ama, a weakened immune system, the number of allergens a person has been exposed to, as well as their physical makeup. Fortunately, Ayurvedic treatments can help alleviate the symptoms of allergies regardless of the cause. The medications generally prescribed over the counter for such condition are 

  1.       hardidrakhandpak
  2.        Ginger 
  3.       Triphala
  4.        Lohkalpa
  5.        Khadirarishta