Liver detoxification

What is liver detox?

There are various sets of programs in the market that claim to detox the liver. Detox meaning to eliminate the toxins from the body and majorly liver as the same is responsible for the metabolism.

Liver is one of the largest organ of our body which helps remove toxins, metabolize the fats, medicines, and absorb nutrients. So if liver is doing so much tremendous efforts to keep our body fit we are ought to take care of it. Many people op for the non-authentic way to cleanse the gut and liver. Though, these methods are less effective and sometimes does not suit the specific individual. Hence, it means that, every individual is different and therefore, we must alter the detox plans according to their body need. 

The non-authentic way of liver detox; 

  1.      Inappropriate fasting
  2.      Detox juices or liquids
  3.      Restricted diet or dietary supplements
  4.      Herbal tea- green tea etc.

You shouldn’t forget that no amount of meal plan or just the fasting is going to help you rid out the toxin. Also if you have compromised immunity or the gut-liver health itself, then it is not advisable to undergo any of these without consulting your doctor.

Ayurveda has described various herbs and panchakarma treatment to lower the toxic load over the liver which also enhances its functioning. 

Ayurvedic herbs

  1.      Kalmegh – contains phyto nutrients which help modulate liver enzymes, lowers alcohol toxicity.
  2.      Neem – anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial, he pato protective activity. One can consume t in form of paste of fresh leaves or powder soaked in glass full of water for 30 minutes consuming post straining it. 
  3.      Amla – rich I Vit. C, anti-oxidant hence reduces free radicles in body responsible for ageing, mild purgative helping in flushing out the aggravated pitta.

Panchakarma- There are five prime procedures explained for detox; the former four of them are mentioned here which helps to eliminate the toxins from liver.

  1.      Vaman- therapeutic emesis, is done using various medicated decoctions. 
  2.      Virechan – therapeutic purgation, done with help of paste, powder or decoctions. Helps to flush toxins in form f loose stools. 
  3.      Basti – medicated and therapeutic enema process. Instilling the mediated oils and/ or decoctions through the enema process. 
  4.       Raktamokshana – Bloodletting process, liver is the organ where blood is also detoxified, hence toxic overload in case of diseases such as cirrhosis of liver etc. these method is adopted. 

All the above procedures and drugs mentioned are given under ayurvedicdoctor supervision only.