Moringa:  a miracle herb 

In the wake of the current Coronavirus outbreak, we may contribute by increasing our immunity to stay safe. And what better method to accomplish this than by consuming a plant that naturally boosts immunity like Moringa! 

The Moringa tree has incredible health advantages in its every part. Moringa is a new nutrient-dense superfood that is starting to grow in popularity today  .Simply told, this herb is one of Ayurveda’s most powerful & important therapeutic plants. The drumstick tree and the miracle tree are other names for the moringa plant. 

The fact that moringa is a potent immunity booster is one of its most significant advantages. Additionally strengthening your immune system and protecting you from infections, its strong antioxidant content. Additionally, moringa is a great source of iron and vitamin A, two elements that help the immune system work well.

The best part is you can consume more nutrients by using moringa  .Your body cannot perform at its optimum without the right nutrients. Unhealthy food choices and irregular eating patterns can seriously harm us, despite the fact that we may choose to ignore them. However, moringa, often known as drumsticks, can assist in solving this issue. It contains full of essential nutrients.

Protein: It helps create new cells, tissues and muscles.

Vitamin C: It strengthens the immune system.

Iron: It transports oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body.

Riboflavin: It helps in the utilization of energy.

Magnesium: It regulates blood sugars and strengthens bone.

Vitamin A: It keeps the eyes healthy.

Vitamin B6: It boosts immunity and prevents anaemia.   

Moringa is a source of antioxidants  Most illnesses can be traced to cell damage. What causes cell damage then? Free radicals! They initiate a process called oxidation that damages our cells. Damaged cells do not do their work properly and this is how an illness takes root in your body.  Moringa is loaded with antioxidants that can eliminate free radicals from your body to prevent cellular damage.


Better control over sugar levels soaring levels of sugar can cause diabetes. And as we all know, diabetes can be lethal. So what should you do to prevent high blood sugar? Not only must you be careful with your diet, but you must also keep your blood sugar level steady. Studies have found that consumption of Moringa can lower fasting blood sugar levels.


Fight off inflammation your immune system is fighting off an infection if there is a small amount of edema or inflammation. But if inflammation persists, it may result in arthritis and heart conditions. Strong anti-inflammatory effects are seen in moringa.


Moringa for your joints and bones, if you have problems with your bones and joints, moringa can help. Gout and arthritis are two of the most common issues with the bones and joints that a large portion of the population suffers from. The most potent portion of the moringa plant is its leaves, and when you eat them, the substances in the leaves will assist to lessen joint stiffness, discomfort, and inflammation.   


It is always advisable to consume herbs following expert ayurvedic  doctors recommendation.