Your knee joints are similar to those buddies that support you in good times and bad. Before it is carried lower down the limbs, where the bones are considerably smaller, a large portion of your body weight is supported by the knee joints. Therefore, knee pain has the potential to impair your daily activities, mobility, sleep, and general quality of life when it occurs. Ayurveda provides a beautiful and effective treatment for knee pain in the form of JanuBasti, in addition to a healthy diet and other purification procedures.

What is Janu   Basti?

Warm medicinal oil is used to massage stiff joints. The affected area will also be massaged as part of this treatment. In this procedure, a structure resembling a wall or compartment is constructed around the knee's inflammatory area using dough produced from black gram flour. The soothing herbal oils are applied to these pockets and allowed to sit there for a while so that their full effects can permeate the joint tissues and lubricate them, bringing relief, relaxation, and a decrease in pain and inflammation.

After the Janu  Basti, a soothing body oil full-body massage called abhyanga is given. Warm, fragrant oils are rhythmically rubbed into your body during abhyanga, which helps to release toxins, calm the nervous system, and promote rest, nutrition, and renewal. It enhances lymphatic function, increases blood circulation, moisturises and tones the skin, lowers inflammation, and soothes the neurological and mental systems.

  1.       The main advantage of receiving JanuBasti therapy is that it balances Vata (air element) imbalance, which is one of the benefits.
  2.        Reinforces and strengthens the joint structures and revitalises the lubrication in the joints.
  3.       Removes stiffness and soreness from the knee joint area; strengthens the knee to prevent future wear and tear from ageing or usage; and promotes blood flow to the area, which enhances knee mobility and nourishes the joints.

Janu  Basti followed by abhyanga is helpful for a variety of knee-related conditions.

  1.       Osteoarthritis
  2.       Subluxation of joint 
  3.       Ligament tear
  4.       Rheumatic arthritis

Along with external treatment, one may need to take internal medication as well. Situation completely depends on the condition of the patient. Medical advice is essential for the same.