The feet are regarded as the portals to our body and psyche in traditional Indian healing practises. The majority of the issues affecting our mental and physical health can be solved through its care. Since the feet have a lot of nerve endings, massages that concentrate on these intelligent body parts, or padabhyangam, are very well-liked. In addition to easing sore feet and other foot-related illnesses, padabhyangam also strengthens nerves, lowers tension, and offers a host of other advantages. This all-encompassing strategy for supplying the body with vitality begins and finishes at your feet. 

What makes padabhyangam so well-liked?

The word "padabhyangam" means "foot massage." This soothing therapy can have magical effects on your complete body when carried out by qualified therapists under the advice and supervision of an Ayurveda physician. This process, which is a crucial component of sarva-abhyangam, or whole-body massage, offers many advantages. Let's start with the benefits it clearly offers for the feet.

Benefits of padabhyang

  1.        The use of padabhyangam can treat a variety of foot conditions, including roughness in the feet, cracked, dry, stiff, aching, or weary feet. 
  2.        Itmay remove all the negative energy from the five essential marmas found in the feet, allowing positive energy to flow through the body.
  3.        Better vision-Important nerve endings, particularly those that support proper vision, can be found in the feet. Consequently, a heated massage helps with vision.
  4.        This technique also enhances blood circulation, making it helpful for circulatory diseases as well.
  5.        Other circumstances-In cases of illnesses like diabetes and arthritis, padabhyangam aids in reducing foot-related symptoms, such as diabetic neuropathy, epilepsy, high blood pressure, etc. It's interesting to note that this process helps with digestion as well as vata, pitta, and kapharoga balance.
  6.        Reducing tension and fear- helps to reduce stress, treat insomnia and other sleep problems, as well as depression, headaches, and chronic exhaustion. It also relaxes the mind as well as the body. Additionally, the process raises immunity.


The Ayurveda physician examines your condition thoroughly during this phase of preparation and prescribes not only padabhyangam but also the precise oil-based mixture that the therapist must utilise. Based on the type of disease and the intended result, the therapist produces the oil composition. Selecting the appropriate kind and quantity of medicine and oil is essential for a successful padabhyangam treatment. 

Actual procedure

This is the main technique, where the therapist massages the patient's feet, soles, heels, ankles, and knees with an oil formulation. Each foot receives a 20-minute massage from the therapist using a variety of techniques. To increase circulation and stimulate free energy flow across the feet, one method involves using the hand to stroke, massage, or even rub the feet.

The therapist then uses hot water or a salt water dip to eliminate any remaining residual oil.

Due to its enormous advantages padabhyang is popular among the other non- medical centres as well like spa. However, it is better to get it done from a medical professional. Before beginning the process, please get advice from an Ayurvedic physician because every health condition calls for a particular oil-based composition and therapeutic method.