Is chest pain not unnerving? If ignored, it could result in a fatal heart attack. However, according to Ayurveda it can provide a long-lasting and effective remedy for treating chest or heart problems.

The source of chest pain or discomfort, according to Ayurveda, is thick blood that does not circulate uniformly and leads to stress vasoconstriction (Vata) and overexertion (Pitta). We refer to this as plaque as build-up of cholesterol in the artery wall in medical terminology. Consequently, higher cholesterol levels represent greater hazards.

Ayurveda treats the cause of the problem at its source by generating immunity, cleaning the artery walls, and minimising excess development. Thankfully, there are several ayurvedic herbs that can be used to both prevent and treat heart discomfort.

  1.       Garlic: aids in preventing artery plaque formation and reversing cardiac blockages. It is a very practical kitchen item that prevents heart disease.
  2.        Curcumin: Curcumin reduces bad cholesterol, which is a major contributor to heart disease, and has anti-inflammatory qualities. It aids in the prevention of atherosclerosis disorders brought on by significant artery plaque formation.
  3.        Holy basil: Most Indian homes grow this ayurvedic plant which has folk remedy. It offers a wide range of therapeutic benefits and works wonders to lower blood cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. Additionally, it shields against issues brought on by stress, such as anxiety, hypertension, and digestive issues.
  4.        Arjuna is a high-quality, all-natural plant that protects the heart while enhancing normal heart function. It enhances the synchronisation of cardiac muscles, which is important for both contraction and relaxation, hence enhancing heart health.

The herbs Guggulu, Amalaki, Lasuna, Pushkarmoola, and Jatamasi are additional potent cardio-boosters. Guggulu, for instance, is well known for reducing risk factors for heart-related illnesses and can offer some advantages for treating or avoiding heartache or heart disease. A Suryanamaskara, which offers additional advantages in reducing heart pain or issues associated to it, should be added to the practise.