Asthma is a long-term lung disease brought on by inflammation of the airways, which causes them to constrict and accumulate mucus. The airflow is ultimately blocked, which leads to brief gasps of breath, wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest. Allergies to irritants like dust, smoke, fumes, or chemical allergens like pollen and grass can cause asthma attacks. All asthmatic disorders have increased Kaphadosha in the stomach as their underlying cause. It then advances into the lungs, trachea, and bronchi from there. One of the three energies or doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) in charge of maintaining the balance of one's general health is "Kapha." 

But what are the dosa involved in this condition according to Ayurveda- 

Vata dosha: A diet that is dry and chilly (characteristics of Vata) might cause physical or emotional stress. Following an asthma attack, it typically displays a dry cough, which can cause significant weight loss and other signs of Vata degeneration.

Kaphadosha: Overeating or eating too much cold, heavy food can cause this type. An asthmatic attack will typically be accompanied by a wet cough. The mucus is whitish and has a hazy consistency. Those who have this condition may be overweight or have other symptoms of Kapha vitiation.

Vata and Kapha types of asthma can coexist with Pitta dosha vitiation. Exposure to allergens or microorganisms is the usual cause. When the bronchial passages swell, a yellow or greenish cough is produced. 

Ayurvedic Treatment— 

Here are a few Ayurvedic treatments that can aid in easing asthma symptoms and reducing attack frequency. The goal of the treatment is to first return the extra Kapha to the stomach and later eradicate it. The following techniques are used:

Sweden, Vaman, and/or Virechan

Herbs like yastimadhu, vasa, dashmool, and pushkarmool concentrate on clearing the excess kapha congestion in the lungs. 

Pathya (recommended actions)

  • Horsegram, mudga, barley, and godhum (wheat).
  • Honey, goat milk, and lukewarm water.
  • Yoga and pranayama.
  • Ginger, black pepper and piper longum.

Apathy is something to avoid.

  • Dust and smoke exposure. 
  • Consumption of cold, stale, oily foods.
  • Avoid stifling your natural inclinations. 
  • Contact with a chilly, humid environment 
  • Consumption of excessively sweet, sour, and salty foods, particularly packaged and processed foods. 
  • Excessive physical activity.