1.       YashtiMadhu or Licorice- One of the earliest treatments for colds and coughs is the usage of licorice root. It functions as a vital herbal demulcent that protects the lungs. It has a relaxing effect on the throat and relieves throat irritability.It is a powerful herb that works to clear the nose canal, expel phlegm, and secrete healthy mucus while also possessing anti-inflammatory effects.  Tear a twig of licorice into pieces, and then chew it. Sip a cup of tea flavored with half a teaspoon each of ginger and licorice. Combine some yashtimadhu powder with honey before taking it. 
  2.       Vasaka:It acts as a potent stimulant of the respiratory system, clearing the lungs and enhancing bronchodilation as a result. It also aids in the treatment of bronchial asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, and other lung problems.To obtain relief from cough and other cold symptoms, prepare a cocktail from Vasaka leaves and drink it.
  3.      Maricha, or black pepper, is a herb that has been enhanced with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and gastroprotective qualities.Piperine is an alkaloid found in black pepper. It works as a broncho dilator, eases discomfort, enhances breathing, and lessens inflammation.Mix some honey and black pepper, then consume. This will lessen congestion and coughing.
  4.       Piper longum, or pippali:It has been used as a treatment to treat the respiratory system since ancient times.It works as a counterirritant, reducing inflammation, clearing mucus, and relieving nasal congestion.To make a decoction, boil a few pippali in a half-glass of milk.It can be used to treat congestion, coughs, and common colds.
  5.      Curcumin :Curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, is one of the powerful herbs more than three hundred naturally occurring constituents. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties that are beneficial to the respiratory system and general health. Turmeric's active ingredient, curcumin, helps to naturally remove pollutants from the respiratory system and stimulates lung cleansing, which in turn boosts the immune system.Daily consumption of beverages containing turmeric helps to reduce airway inflammation. Add 1/2 tsp. of turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon of ginger to a glass of milk that has been brought to a boil. This ayurvedic treatment could lessen the number of asthma attacks if taken twice daily.
  6.      Ginger:It is a wonderful and effective anti-inflammatory herb that treats common colds and coughs and helps the respiratory tract eliminate pollutants. Potassium, magnesium, and zinc are added to it.Drinking ginger tea supports the development of a strong immune system and protects against seasonal illnesses and asthma.
  7.        Cinnamon:Add 1/4 teaspoon of trikatu and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a cup of hot water. After a while, add one teaspoon of honey and drink it. Take this twice daily to receive the greatest advantages and address any asthma-related issues.
  8.       Mustard Oil:A common home remedy for asthmatic disorders involves massaging or rubbing warm mustard oil mixed with salt on the patient's chest to relieve chest congestion. It offers comfort during an attack.
  9.       Cardamom:Cardamom tea is a stimulating, revitalizing beverage that can help with lung health and digestion.Good for respiratory health, tasty, and highly efficient.
  10.       Bay leaf : A combination of 1/2 teaspoon of bay leaf, 1/4 teaspoon of pippali, and 1 teaspoon of honey, taken two to three times a day, may be effective in treating persistent asthma symptoms.To avoid asthma episodes at night, drink a glass of honey (1 tsp) and take 1 tsp of Indian bay leaf powder.

It is always advisable to take ayurvedic medication under medical supervision only.