When we consider cancer, it is disturbingly widespread in the modern world. It is the second most common cause of death worldwide. With advancements in science, there has been an increase in the types of cancer treatment available. Along with modern allopathic treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery, alternative cancer treatments such as Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and Unani are now available. The later types of treatment can likewise establish a convincing efficacy claim.As an alternative cancer treatment, Ayurveda has emerged as an effective way of treatment with excellent outcomes.

The most critical component is to focus on the underlying cause and increase digestive fire, because poor digestion is the primary cause of all diseases. 

The main idea here is "to correct the Metabolism Deviation." Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells. Cells work by multiplying, dividing, and replacing dead or damaged cells with new cells. The functionality of the cells is what makes up body metabolism.

Cancer is a disease that is caused by the uncontrolled division of aberrant cells in one area of the body. In this case, the metabolism has strayed from what is normal. As a result, the Cancer begins to grow and spread throughout the body.

As an alternative Cancer treatment, Ayurveda focuses on correcting the aberration of metabolism as the fundamental cause of the Cancer in order to re-establish the normal functionality of the cells.Tumours are the result of aberrant cells. Cancer is a root cause since it is caused by a metabolic malfunction. This is where Ancient Ayurveda as an alternative Cancer treatment shines.

The herbs employed in Ayurveda have a high potential for illness prevention. Scientifically, these compositions function on various biochemical pathways and have a synergistic effect on diverse organ systems, nourishing the body as a whole by supporting and improving the body's defence system. Herbal administrations aid in healing while reducing side effects and cancer-related problems.

We believe that Ayurveda is a successful complementary cancer treatment because it focuses on the root or primary reason, enhances quality of life, nourishes the body, and aids in the maintenance of a positive existence. Furthermore, the treatment has no negative side effects, and the pharmaceuticals are naturally produced and beneficial to the body over time.