Anorectal disorders such as hemorrhoids, fistula-in-ano, anal fissure, and pilonidal sinus can be treated effectively using the ayurvedicparasurgical  Kshar Sutra . To perform this treatment, a surgical linen thread (gauge number 30) is coated with Snuhi  Latex, ApamargaKshara, and turmeric powder. The thread is then inserted into the fistula's exterior opening using a malleable probe, which is carefully removed, preserving the Kshar Sutra. The ends of the Kshar Sutra are tied together and replaced with a new one after a week. The unhealthy tissue is removed during this procedure, allowing the tract to heal and become cut, preventing microbiological contamination and promoting the healing process.


For hemorrhoids treatment, the pile mass is extracted from the anal orifice using forceps, an incision is made at the mucocutaneous joint, and the pile mass is then pulled and transfixed with Kshara Sutra at its base. The treatment for pilonidal sinus is similar. Finally, ghrita or Yastimadhu  Taila is used to replace the pile mass in the rectum.


The Kshar Sutra is a benign and side-effect-free ayurvedic treatment. Patients experience lasting results, making it an ideal treatment for haemorrhoids, fistula-in-ano, anal fissure, and pilonidal sinus. Patients recover in as little as three to five days, spending only five to six hours in the hospital, with the surgical procedure lasting only 30 to 45 minutes.


One advantage of Kshar Sutra is the low cost of treatment and consultation for surgery. Additionally, home remedies such as increasing water intake and consuming high-fibre foods can be added to this treatment. However, more sophisticated procedures like DG-HAL RAR, MIPH, RFA, and IRC may be used if the patient's condition worsens.


Ayurvedic practitioners specializing in ano-rectal conditions have demonstrated remarkable efficacy in treating such ailments. Their treatments have yielded promising results and offer a viable alternative to traditional medical interventions. These practitioners possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field of Ayurveda, allowing them to provide patients with targeted and effective treatments. If you suffer from an ano-rectal condition, consider seeking the services of an Ayurvedic specialist to receive expert care and achieve optimal health outcomes.