Pitta is one of the three doshas that are known to influence metabolism and change in the body. Pitta governs how we digest food and distinguish between good and wrong. In a word, pitta dosha is concerned with digesting strength or 'agni' and ensures it does not go into overdrive, causing discomfort and stomach related diseases.

When there is an overabundance of pitta in the body, you may suffer the following symptoms:

  • Excessive heat production in the body
  • Indigestion, acid reflux, and gas
  • Joint inflammatory disease
  • Constipation, diarrhoea, or nausea
  • Irritability and anger
  • Breath that stinks
  • Sweating excessively with or without odor.

While the subject of how to balance pitta dosha requires immediate attention, understanding what causes pitta imbalance in the body is equally vital. A variety of circumstances contribute to the formation of pitta dosha or pitta imbalance. Among the most prominent of these are:

  • Dietary exposure to pitta that is stimulating causing aggravation. 
  • Excessive preservative consumption
  • Sunlight exposure
  • Excessive chemical exposure
  • Stress, either emotional or physical


In India, Ayurveda provides simple yet powerful pitta therapies that can be used to easily eliminate pitta imbalances in the body. A pitta pacifying ayurvedic diet that aids in cleansing the body of all harmful and toxic waste material and regularising bowel motions for a happy and healthy gut is one of these approaches. Regularly doing so will help to calm the body and allow it to work properly. Here's your guide to a beautiful pitta pacifying diet, which will help you simply solve the problem of how to regulate pitta while feeling healthy. Yoga for Pitta Dosha might also help to balance Pitta Dosha.

Diet incorporation

  1. Coconut, dates, pear, papaya, pomegranate, melons, watermelon, figs and grapes
  2. Cilantro/coriander, peas, pumpkin, sweet potato, okra, cucumber, potatoes.
  3. Legumes are astringent in nature and hence aid to balance pitta. You must include the following legumes in your daily diet as part of your uncomplicated and simple pitta cures to attempt at home. For an incisive answer to the topic of how to remove pitta from the body, consume black beans, kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, mung dal, and black-eyed peas. Soy meat, miso, urad dal, and soy sauce are all legumes to avoid. These foods are strong in salt and might aggravate pitta dosha.
  4. Cow's milk, cottage cheese, goat's cheese, ghee, buttermilk, and goat's milk are all options.Avoid these dairy products: Salted butter, frozen yoghurt, sour cream, hard cheese, and yoghurt with fruit or preservatives.
  5. Because most nuts and seeds have a high oil content, they are advised to be avoided on the pitta diet. However, some nuts and seeds can be ingested in moderation to address the issue of how to reduce pitta from the body in a healthy way. Almonds (soaked and peeled), flaxseeds, coconuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and popcorn (unsalted and plain) are all Pitta diet suitable nuts and seeds.