Recurrent mouth ulcer?? Check these effective treatment and home remedies.


Mouth ulcers are common, painful sores inside the mouth. Females and non-smokers are more affected. Causes include infections, diseases, trauma, neoplasia, and drugs.

Recurrent mouth ulcers can be treated with corticosteroids, chlorhexidine gluconate, tetracycline mouthwash. Avoiding oral trauma and acidic foods helps alleviate pain. Most ulcers clear up on their own without leaving scars, though they usually recur. Untreated ulcers can cause bacterial infections, inflammation, and tooth abscesses. Dietery deficiencies can lead to chronic cases. 


Recurrent mouth ulcers, called Mukhavrana in Ayurveda, are caused by factors that vitiate Pitta dosha, including unsuitable food, alcohol, haemorrhoids, intestinal parasites, and suppressed natural urges. This causes dosha-dooshyas to lodge inside the mouth, resulting in skin and mucosal rashes. Recurrent Mouth Ulcers are identified by a burning or painful sensation inside the mouth and the development of painful, reddish ulcers. 


Ayurvedic treatment involves identifying and avoiding the causative factors, and treating the disease or condition that is causing the ulcers. Treatment methods include managing aggravated Pitta and bringing back the normalcy of Rasa-raktadhatus. In most cases, the prognosis is good.

  1.       Shamana is an internal medicine that involves the use of tiktarasa and rookshaguna.
  2.        Fasting is recommended in cases of indigestion and obesity. 
  3.        Kavala and gandoosha are also used with vranaharakwaatha. 
  4.        In adults, sodhana can be done through therapies such as Vamana, Virechana, Snehavasti, and Kashayavasti.

Common recommendations for condition of mouth ulcer:








Effective home remedies for recurrent mouth ulcers include honey, coconut oil, aloe vera juice, tulsi leaves, apple cider vinegar, saltwater gargling, garlic, turmeric, orange juice, and lemon juice for local application.

Avoid heavy and difficult-to-digest foods, junk food, carbonated drinks, refrigerated and frozen foods, and curd. Instead, have light and easily digestible meals such as green gram, soups, and buttermilk boiled with turmeric, ginger, and curry leaves. Drink boiled water and maintain a regular food and sleep schedule. 

Additionally, avoid extreme weather conditions, lifting heavy weights, and vigorous physical activities. Do not hold or force natural urges and avoid sitting continuously for a long time and squatting.