Fever Management through Ayurveda


It's surprising how some everyday ingredients can help cure a fever using Ayurveda remedies.

  1.       For instance, rice starch, which is commonly known as "mand," is an excellent remedy. All you have to do is cook rice in water and strain the drink. Add a pinch of salt and consume it warm. This natural nourishing drink acts as a diuretic, increases urination and elimination of toxins, and boosts the immune system.
  2.       Basil is an effective herb for bringing down fever. Boil 20 basil leaves and one teaspoon of crushed ginger in a cup of water. Add some honey and drink this tea two to three times a day for three days. Basil is as effective as many types of antibiotics in the market.
  3.       Raisins are also an excellent remedy for fever. Soak 25 raisins in half a cup of water for an hour and crush them in the water. Add the juice of half a lime and drink this solution twice a day until the fever is gone. Raisins have antibacterial and antioxidant properties that help fight infections and reduce fevers.
  4.       Fenugreek is another widely available plant that can be used to reduce viral infections. Soak a spoonful of fenugreek seeds in half a cup of water overnight. Strain the mixture and sip it at regular intervals. You can also consume the seeds with lemon and honey for instant relief.
  5.       Coriander seeds contain vitamins and phytonutrients that help boost your immune system. Coriander tea is made by adding a spoon of its seeds to water. Boil this mixture and strain. Add some milk and sugar for taste. Drinking this tea will relieve you from symptoms of viral fever.
  6.       Garlic is known for its healing properties. It can induce sweating to lower high fever and remove toxins from the body. Mix two crushed garlic cloves with olive oil and apply this mixture under the sole of each foot, leaving a few spots blank. Tie up your feet with gauze so that the mixture is intact. However, garlic remedies are not recommended for pregnant ladies and small children.

This remedies have been tested to be effective in cases with mild to moderate fever category which is usually induce due to excess physical activity or viral infection. However it is best recommended to consult the doctor first and take up such remedies to get faster results. Remember self-medication is harmful.