Ayurevda Management for Congestion & Sinus Health


Nasal congestion and sinus issues are common complications that occur due to an underlying imbalance of Vata and Kaphadosha, according to Ayurveda. Vata governs respiration, while Kapha regulates lubrication and moisture balance. When there is an imbalance between these two doshas, they may combine with Ama, the sticky waste product of digestion, to form toxic, sticky mucus in the sinus area.

Addressing the root cause or the causative factor is crucial for effective treatment. Common causes of nasal congestion and sinus issues include cold weather, allergies, and poor dietary habits, such as frozen food or cold water in winter.



  1. 1One of the most effective therapies for managing nasal problems is Nasya karma. It involves the administration of herbal oil through the nasal cavity, followed by facial massage on the energy centre of the face, particularly in the sinus area. The process concludes with herbal steam and nasal drops, which must be done for seven or ten days to attain optimal results. 
  2. 2Additionally, pacifying the aggravated Vata and Kapha dosha through a Vata-Kapha pacifying diet is essential. This diet favours cooked, warm, and easy-to-digest meals. Consuming ample amounts of water flavoured with spices helps to remove toxins from the sinuses and promote the flow of toxic waste.
  3. 3Regular bowel moments are necessary to re-establish a balanced sinus environment and detoxify the body. 
  4. 4Practising morning breathing exercises such as Pranayama or alternative nasal breathing is also advisable. Individuals can manage their sinus issues and maintain a healthy respiratory system by following steps mentioned earlier..